Solutions bancaires

Proposer une offre dédiée aux banques et institutions financières

Sopra Banking Software, filiale de Sopra Steria, est un fournisseur de solutions globales comprenant, outre sa gamme de progiciels, les services d'intégration, de support et de conseil associés.

Ses solutions accompagnent près de 1 500 clients dans 80 pays. Son objectif est d'accompagner les banques dans leur développement et dans leur stratégie internationale, par une approche de partenariat à long terme. La société s'appuie pour cela sur l'engagement et l'expertise de plus de 5 000 employés.

Le savoir-faire sans égal de Sopra Banking Software lui permet de répondre aux besoins d’innovation et de développement de banques et institutions financières de toute taille et activité.


En savoir plus sur les offres de Sopra Banking Software

Sopra Banking Summit 2021 - Regardez les replays

Cryptocurrency – How to mitigate the risk for the financial sector?

Can a bank add crypto services and remain compliant?

Cyber attacks on Banks: a guide to survival
In this session, our experts discuss the reality of cybersecurity threats that exist today, as well as what's at stake, the real risks involved and what banks can do to protect themselves.

Enhance existing back-office process through AI
According to a recent study, up to 75% of executives believe that their business will be at risk in the next five years if they don’t scale AI. Actually, the time for AI prototypes and their promising results is over. The move to scale towards industrial and trusted AI solutions is essential to deliver value to our customers and make AI a competitive advantage.

How banks are involved in fighting climate change?

How can you measure how eco-friendly your bank is? What are the programs that can help make your bank greener? Can you differentiate through sustainable finance? Come and hear opinions from some of the world's leading experts.

The digital landscape in Europe: financial sovereignty

Europe's sovereignty is a question of both finance and technology, and Fintech is the next battle for Europe to gain its independence. This is a battle with multiple fronts: it's against the GAFA companies and the control of EU citizens' data, against the rise of China, against the supremacy of the USD and the US financial system.

The new paradigm of customer interaction

Trust in banking. Banks as a trusted partner. How to build the new relationship model for the future with customers? What is the role of transformation? Bank as a service, outsourcing, bank as a platform, CRM, customer platform, data platforms…where are the best levers?

Communiqué de presse

72 % des dirigeants d’institutions financières placent leur capacité à innover en tête de leurs priorités, selon une étude Sopra Steria & Forrester
À l’occasion du Sopra Banking Summit 2021, Sopra Steria publie une étude menée conjointement avec le cabinet d’étude indépendant Forrester. Interrogeant 760 dirigeants d’institutions financières dans près de 30 pays, elle dévoile les priorités actuelles et les tendances futures du secteur bancaire en matière d’innovation et de transformation digitale.
Services financiers
Communiqués de presse
Sopra Steria Corporate
Type de publication

Sopra Banking Software finalise l’acquisition de Fidor Solutions, filiale logicielle spécialiste de la banque digitale, de la néo-banque Fidor Bank
Services financiers
Communiqué de presse financier
Communiqués de presse