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before market
3rd Quarter Revenue 2024

8:30 a.m (Conference call)

Capital market day 2024

9:00am (webcast)

Our latest publications

Our latest Insights

| Cyril Malargé

Living with disinformation
Disinformation is evolving. AI, education, and accountability are key to combating this systemic threat in the digital age

| Paul Verhaar

How LLMs are unlocking new markets for business, but not alone
LLMs enable businesses to scale globally with fast, cost-effective translations, but human insight is key to ensuring meaningful connections. 

| Isabelle Pons

The knowledge access revolution: How LLMs are driving company value and employee growth
LLMs boost company value by enhancing efficiency and empowering employees to upskill, grow careers, and earn higher salaries

Our client stories

LCM’s new website becomes a data-centric business asset
Landsbond der Christelijke Mutualiteiten (LCM), Belgium's largest health fund, revamped its website's back-office content management system, transforming it into a strategic, data-centric asset that enhances member experiences. 

TradSNCF: AI to help rail staff welcome Olympic Games travellers
TradSNCF, rail operator SNCF’s AI-powered translation tool, enhances the travel experience for millions of passengers from around the world.

MyDigitalCar: revolutionizing vehicle registration processes

Sopra Steria and VW Financial Services co-created MyDigitalCar, an online platform on AWS cloud for digital vehicle registration.

Contact our media department

Aurélien Flaugnatti
Aurélien Flaugnatti
Content & PR manager, Sopra Steria