Disclosure of compensation of executive company officers in accordance with the recommendations of the AFEP-MEDEF Code as of January 2020

At its meeting on 28 July 2020, the Board of Directors approved the following targets related to the annual variable compensation of the Chief Executive Officer, Vincent Paris, in respect of financial year 2020:

Criteria Potential compensation as % of AVC[1] Potential compensation in €
Quantifiable criterion: Change in revenue 45% €135,000
Quantifiable criterion: Operating margin on business activity 45% €135,000
Qualitative criterion related to Group organisation
(Exact details of the target are not disclosed for confidentiality reasons)
5% €15,000
Qualitative criterion related to corporate social responsibility: Contribution to the Group’s goal of becoming carbon neutral 5% €15,000
Total 100% €300,000

The targets based on quantifiable criteria were set in line with the targets announced to the market in the presentation of first-half 2020 results. Their specific value is not made public for confidentiality reasons and so as not to interfere with financial communications. The immediate aim of the quantifiable criteria (90% of AVC) is to protect the Group’s revenue and profitability amidst the public health crisis and the resulting uncertainties. The qualitative criteria (10% of AVC) focus on the Group’s medium- to long-term provisions and addressing the environmental challenges linked to its business activities.

[1]  AVC: Annual variable compensation