Dividend levels since 2005

A net dividend of €4.65 per share was approved at the shareholders’ general meeting on 21 May, 2024.

  • The ex-dividend date will be on 28 May 2024.
  • The dividend will be paid as from 30 May 2024.
graph of the evolution of the share price since 2005 graph of the evolution of the share price since 2005

Dividend levels since 2005:

2005: 1.10 euros
2006: 1.35 euros
2007: 1.65 euros
2008: 1.65 euros
2009: 0.8 euros
2010*: 0.8 euros
2011: 1.9 euro
2012: 1.7 euros
2013: 1.9 euros
2014: 1.9 euros
2015: 1.7 euros
2016: 2.2 euros
2017: 2.4 euros
2018: 1.85 euros
2019**: 0 euros
2020: 2.0 euros
2021: 3.20 euros
2022: 4.30 euros
2023: 4.65 euros

(*) Sopra Group’s General Meeting of 8 June 2011 approved the exceptional distribution of premiums and reserves in the form of €3.92 in cash as well as on e Axway Software share per Sopra Group share, thus carrying out the project to separate and list Axway Software.

(**) Given the current context of the Covid-19 pandemic and in a spirit of responsibility, at its meeting on 9 April 2020, Sopra SteriaGroup’s Board of Directors decided to propose to shareholders a the General Meeting of 9 June 2020 not to distribute a dividend for financial year 2019.
