Related-party agreements 

Two agreements approved by the Shareholder's Meeting are currently in effect:

Agreement with Sopra GMT, the holding company that manages and controls Sopra Steria Group

In carrying out all of his assignments, the Chairman seeks out advice from former executives and may draw on certain resources across the Group. He is supported by a permanent team at Sopra GMT, the holding company that manages and controls the Group.

a. The Sopra GMT team

Of the four Sopra GMT employees, three of them have spent much of their careers with Sopra Steria Group. This team therefore has knowledge of the Group, its main managers and its organisational structure that an external service provider could not have. Its position within Sopra GMT means this team has an outside perspective and greater independence. These resources enhance the Board of Directors’ ability to oversee the smooth running of the Company.

The team was initially formed when Axway Software was spun off. It performs duties for Sopra Steria Group and Axway Software, in which Sopra Steria Group holds an ownership of approximately 32%. Sopra GMT provides both companies with its support and ensures synergies and best practices are implemented.

The members of this team carry out duties not undertaken by Sopra Steria Group: oversight of acquisitions, corporate secretarial affairs for the Board of Directors and its Committees. They may also assist the Sopra Steria Group’s functional divisions. They are also active participants in various steering committees (acquisitions, corporate responsibility, internal control, internal audit, employee share ownership). They may join working groups tackling key issues for the Company. They provide the benefit of their technical expertise and an independent opinion.

b. Invoicing principles

The costs rebilled by Sopra GMT comprise the portion of payroll and related personnel costs allocated to the assignments performed for Sopra Steria Group. They also comprise, under the same conditions, any external expenses incurred by Sopra GMT (such as specialised advisors’ fees). As such, this organisational method does not increase the expenses borne by Sopra Steria Group. If the assignments handled by Sopra GMT’s employees were not entrusted to them, they would need to be reallocated within Sopra Steria Group.

Pierre Pasquier’s compensation at Sopra GMT reflects his oversight of the assignments performed by the Sopra GMT team for Sopra Steria Group and Axway Software. It is not rebilled to these two companies.
Sopra Steria Group charges Sopra GMT fees for providing premises, IT resources, and assistance from the Group’s functional divisions as well as provision of appropriate expertise for Sopra GMT’s assignments.
The work performed by this team and the principle for the rebilling to the Company of the costs incurred are covered in a framework agreement for assistance. The General Meeting approved the implementation of this related-party agreement. The Board of Directors reviews it annually.

Around 85% of Sopra GMT’s total operating expenses are rebilled. The remaining 15% comprises the expenses arising from Sopra GMT’s own internal operations. Expenses are rebilled on a cost-plus basis including a 7% margin. By definition, Sopra GMT generally records a small operating loss. The annual breakdown varies according to the respective needs of Sopra Steria Group and Axway Software. On average, since 2011, two thirds of the rebilling have concerned Sopra Steria Group.

c. Implementation of the agreement in 2023

Sopra Steria Group recorded the following income and expenses under this agreement in 2023:e

  • expenses: €1,874 thousand;
  • income: €165 thousand.

The Board of Directors reviewed the implementation of this agreement at its meeting on 25 January 2023. It unanimously agreed to maintain the previously granted authorisation for the current financial year. The members of the Board of Directors associated with Sopra GMT (Pierre Pasquier, Eric Pasquier, Kathleen Clark) did not take part in the discussion or vote on this decision and all other directors were present.

Agreement with Éric Hayat Conseil

Éric Hayat Conseil is a company controlled by Éric Hayat, a Director of Sopra Steria Group.
This agreement relates to the provision to Executive Management of consulting and assistance services. These services are provided in connection with strategic deals connected with business development among other areas. They are charged at a per diem rate of €2,500 (excluding taxes). The duties performed under this agreement are distinct from those performed by virtue of Éric Hayat’s directorship. For example, this may involve but is not limited to the following, in consultation with the Group’s operational managers:

  • taking part in top-level market meetings;
  • maintaining contacts with civil society;
  • taking part in high-level meetings with certain key clients in France and abroad;
  • preparing for and participating in delegations of corporate executives to priority countries for the Group.

This enables the Company to benefit from the experience and knowledge of the Group gained by Éric Hayat throughout his career. This knowledge extends to its environment and some of its major clients. Éric Hayat was a co-founder of Steria. He also previously chaired the digital sector employers’ organisation and subsequently the broader “Fédération Syntec”, and is a former member of MEDEF’s Executive Committee. His skills and experience are thus particularly well suited to the responsibilities entrusted to him, which mainly relate to major business opportunities.

This means that the number of Directors on the Board that are directly involved in addressing the Group’s priorities in terms of strategic and commercial positioning is increased, thus enriching the Board’s debates. Éric Hayat, in his capacity as a member of the Compensation Committee and the Nomination, Governance, Ethics and Corporate Responsibility Committee, provides these committees with the benefit of the knowledge of the Group’s operational managers accumulated and maintained in the course of these assignments. Lastly, he has access to information channels within the Company that are helpful for feeding information back to the Board of Directors and its Committees.

Sopra Steria Group recorded expenses under this agreement in 2023.

  • expenses: €175 thousand.

The Board of Directors reviewed the implementation of this agreement at its meeting on 25 January 2023. It unanimously agreed to maintain the previously granted authorisation for the current financial year. The Director affected by this decision - Éric Hayat - did not take part in either the discussion or the vote, and all other directors were present.

Statutory Auditors’ special report on related-party agreements

01/03/2024: Special report - General Meeting to approve the financial statements for the financial year ended 31 December 2023 - Learn more